Plac. | Startnr. | Nettotid | Bruttotid | Hold | Kategori |
151 | 313 | 1:17:06 | 1:17:10 | De glade vårharer 1 | Mixhold |
152 | 13 | 1:17:20 | 1:17:30 | RAZ | Mixhold |
153 | 66 | 1:17:25 | 1:17:30 | Now I'm there | Mixhold |
154 | 291 | 1:17:27 | 1:17:32 | Werthers Echte | Herrehold |
155 | 225 | 1:17:30 | 1:18:06 | Space Invaders | Herrehold |
156 | 75 | 1:17:32 | 1:17:36 | Environment Nano Gold | Mixhold |
157 | 45 | 1:17:39 | 1:17:43 | CBIO Mix 1 | Mixhold |
158 | 227 | 1:17:47 | 1:17:52 | Fuets & Roses | Herrehold |
159 | 55 | 1:18:09 | 1:18:23 | AIT2 | Herrehold |
160 | 192 | 1:18:15 | 1:18:18 | TeamViSkalSlåKaroline | Herrehold |
161 | 123 | 1:18:15 | 1:18:17 | CBS's Angels | Kvindehold |
162 | 132 | 1:18:19 | 1:18:24 | ISpigerne | Kvindehold |
163 | 7 | 1:18:27 | 1:18:31 | Dysfunctional Human Variation | Mixhold |
164 | 115 | 1:18:37 | 1:19:47 | 2Slow2BaNINJA | Kvindehold |
165 | 144 | 1:18:40 | 1:18:45 | The Gingers Herrer 1 | Herrehold |
166 | 263 | 1:18:44 | 1:18:53 | Environment u 25 | Herrehold |
167 | 28 | 1:18:48 | 1:18:52 | Henning Homies | Mixhold |
168 | 215 | 1:19:08 | 1:19:12 | DTU Cen 3 | Herrehold |
169 | 9 | 1:19:32 | 1:19:35 | DTU Fødevareinstituttet Vicedirektørens hold | Mixhold |
170 | 294 | 1:19:33 | 1:19:41 | Boring and uninventive | Herrehold |
171 | 47 | 1:19:48 | 1:19:51 | CBIO Mix 3 | Mixhold |
172 | 304 | 1:19:51 | 1:19:56 | Nikomina | Mixhold |
173 | 4 | 1:19:55 | 1:19:56 | P&E Mix 1 | Mixhold |
174 | 34 | 1:19:56 | 1:19:59 | UdkantsDTU | Mixhold |
175 | 315 | 1:20:04 | 1:20:07 | Sa Gorsi | Mixhold |
176 | 312 | 1:20:06 | 1:20:08 | Løbe Løbsk | Kvindehold |
177 | 301 | 1:20:33 | 1:20:37 | wannakikime | Herrehold |
178 | 39 | 1:20:34 | 1:20:34 | 207 Crew | Mixhold |
179 | 14 | 1:20:38 | 1:20:42 | Iliotilial team | Mixhold |
180 | 69 | 1:20:46 | 1:20:50 | CAPEC3 | Mixhold |
181 | 35 | 1:20:49 | 1:21:03 | Mosesvinene | Mixhold |
182 | 67 | 1:21:06 | 1:21:11 | CAPEC1 | Mixhold |
183 | 41 | 1:21:11 | 1:21:16 | Hold Igen | Mixhold |
184 | 145 | 1:21:14 | 1:21:35 | DTU Mekanik 50+ | Herrehold |
185 | 70 | 1:21:16 | 1:21:20 | CAPEC4 | Mixhold |
186 | 186 | 1:21:21 | 1:21:36 | klm | Mixhold |
187 | 262 | 1:21:36 | 1:21:37 | AnTiLa | Mixhold |
188 | 117 | 1:21:43 | 1:21:49 | Et af holdene | Kvindehold |
189 | 261 | 1:21:47 | 1:21:51 | cogsys2 | Mixhold |
190 | 58 | 1:21:54 | 1:21:57 | SOJU | Mixhold |
191 | 133 | 1:22:10 | 1:22:52 | MMM | Kvindehold |
192 | 80 | 1:22:26 | 1:22:47 | Egerntricket | Mixhold |
193 | 174 | 1:22:27 | 1:22:36 | IHK | Herrehold |
194 | 32 | 1:22:32 | 1:22:35 | Team magnetic | Mixhold |
195 | 285 | 1:22:46 | 1:22:51 | S&P piger | Kvindehold |
196 | 6 | 1:23:05 | 1:23:09 | Functional Human Variation | Mixhold |
197 | 56 | 1:23:07 | 1:23:12 | AIT4 | Mixhold |
198 | 207 | 1:23:17 | 1:24:33 | GoEast | Herrehold |
199 | 30 | 1:23:33 | 1:23:59 | Happy Feet | Mixhold |
200 | 139 | 1:23:57 | 1:24:01 | Fotøsen | Kvindehold |