25 August 2018



XTERRA Finland
Trail Run + Open Water


Trail Run

Start at 14:00

5 km men and female, 20 euros                    

15 km men and female, 35 euros

Fee includes ticket to Holiday Club Spa


Open Water Swim

Start at 15:00

750 m, 1 series with or without wetsuit, 15 euros

1500 m, 1 series with or without wetsuit, 15 euros

Fee includes ticket to Holiday Club Spa


We also have Triathlon on Sunday click here
 Event information
25 August 2018
Rauhanrinne 1, 55320, Rauha
See map below
Registration is closed
5 km
Starts at 14:00

Price per participant
Price €20.00 + fee
Fee: €3.00 per participant
15 km
Starts at 14:00

Price per participant
Price €35.00 + fee
Fee: €3.00 per participant
750 metres

Price per participant
Price €20.00 + fee
Fee: €3.00 per participant
1500 metres

Price per participant
Price €20.00 + fee
Fee: €3.00 per participant

 More information


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Xterra Finland

In case of questions about the event please contact Xterra Finland:

XTERRA Finland Trail / Open water Run 2018

  • Rauhanrinne 1, 55320, Rauha
  • Rauha
  • Finland