1 September 2018

2018 Fredericia ETU Triathlon Nordic Championships

Fredericia has for years been the center of Danish Sprint Triathlon and welcomes all athletes once again. The ETU race is the final race on Saturday and is the highlight of the Fredericia City Triathlon weekend.

If you would like more than one race during this weekend, you may stay over for the Open Danish Championship Mix Relay on Sunday – a mix relay “Danish style” with only 3 participants – normally 1 female and 2 male athletes but it may also be 2 female and one male athlete. If interested – send a mail to

Bike familiarization Friday 31. August approximately 18.00 h – meeting point at the elite transitionzone.
Mandatory race briefing for the ETU race Friday 31. august. 19.00 h. 

Registration to the ETU race will take place through
Invoices will be send out 27th of august and must be paid no later than at time og registration/race briefing on the 31. of august.

LINK: Frederica City Triathlons own info-page HERE

 Event information
01 September 2018
See map below
Registration is closed
27 km
Starts at 16:00

Price per participant
Price 662.50 DKK + fee
Fee: 15.00 DKK + 1% per participant
27 km
Starts at 14:30

Price per participant
Price 662.50 DKK + fee
Fee: 15.00 DKK + 1% per participant

2018 Fredericia ETU Triathlon Nordic Championships

  • Fredericia
  • Denmark