Lokation: Hvidovre Trail
This Velosolutions UCI Pump Track World Championships Qualifier event is open for the following riders:
Years: 17+
Alle deltagere skal have en licens eller klippekort i henhold til deres klasse. Du skal også være medlem af en cykelklub, ellers er det muligt for at tilkøbe støttemedlemskab til Hvidovre Trail ved tilmelding. Klippekort er tilladt i børne-, ungdoms- og masterklasserne. Licens arrangeret gennem DCU.
Deltagerne forventes at have læst og forstået konkurrencereglerne for pumptrack og skal følge reglerne under konkurrence og træning. Du kan finde reglerne her:
UCI REGELBOG for pump track kan findes her:
Tilmelding: kan ske online indtil 2 dage før konkurrencen, herefter gælder det eftertilmelding indtil 2 timer før event start.
Deltagergebyr er eksklusiv gebyrer og moms. Betalinger kan ikke refunderes. Har du problemer med tilmeldingen kontakt os på: +45 3154 7058
Vær opmærksom på, at deltagelse i al træning og konkurrence er på eget ansvar.
- Du konkurrerer på tid, når du kører en pumptrack konkurrence, simpelt og ligetil.
- Du kører med flyvende start, enten individuelt eller rider-mod-rider så hurtigt som muligt.
Man starter med en kvalifikationsrunde (1 eller 2 individuelle løb), hvor de bedste 8, 16 eller 32 (afhængig af antallet af deltagere i hver klasse) går videre til eliminationsheatene.
Der kører man rider-mod-rider i 1/16 finaler, 1/8 finaler, 1/4 finaler, indtil man har to riders tilbage i en finale!
Registration process:
All participants must have a license according to their class. You must also be a member of a cycling club, otherwise it is possible to purchase additional support membership for Hvidovre Trail when registering. “Klippekort” is a solution for Danish rider and are allowed in the children's, youth and master's classes. License arranged through DCU.
Participants are expected to have read and understood the competition rules for pump track and must follow the rules during competition and training. You can find the rules here:
The UCI RULE BOOK for pump track can be found here:
Registration: can be done online up to 2 days before the competition, then after-registration applies up to 2 hours before the start of the event.
The participation fee is exclusive of fees and VAT. Payments are non-refundable. Do you have trouble with registration, please contact us on: +45 31547058
Registration help: There will be some text boxes in Danish. Here is a guideline.
- Are you a member of a club? Nej – No / Ja - Yes
- If you not are a member of a club, you could choose to buy this “support membership 2024” at the local bikeclub.
- Terms of trade: Box 2 – Do you want to receive newsletters and info from the Danish Bike Federation.
Please note that participation in all training and competition is at your own risk.
General information about Pump Track
You compete against the clock in a pumptrack competition, simple and straightforward.
You start with a flying start, either individually or rider-against-rider, as fast as possible.
The competition begins with a qualification round (1 or 2 individual runs), where the top 8, 16, or 32 (depending on the number of participants in each category) advance to the elimination heats.
In these heats, it's rider-against-rider in the 1/16 finals, 1/8 finals, 1/4 finals, until only two riders remain in the final!