Bellevue Ocean Race 2024

Bellevue Ocean Race 2024


Pos.Finish timeTeamCategory
11:25:48IvanLeifMix team
21:26:02MKK MixMix team
31:27:29Klampenborg Kajak og KanoklubMen's team
41:32:455164 LaksevågMen's team
51:34:28NextWaveWomen's team
61:37:04Korsvold/LilleMen's team
71:39:51Team ØresundWomen's team
81:43:49NovaMix team
91:45:33Hjärta & BicepsWomen's team
101:46:00Team JJMix team
111:51:32Speedy SplashersWomen's team
121:52:47L&AMix team
131:59:10Team Tykke BerthaMix team

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail:

Thanks to our Sponsors!