Hobro løbet 2022


Gustav Frederik Dahl
Team Give Elementer

9 laps

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance A
Laps 9
Total time 3:10:48
Points 2
Distance in total 129.6 km
Distance (lap) 14.4 km
Average lap 21:12
40.75 km/h
Fastest lap 19:09
45.11 km/h
Slowest lap 23:15
37.16 km/h
Participant (#64)
Gustav Frederik Dahl
Team Give Elementer
Male, 21 years (23 today)
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Position Time of day
Lap 1 19:09 45.11 km/h 19:09 7 13:29:09
Lap 2 20:50 41.45 km/h 39:59 10 13:49:59
Lap 3 21:07 40.90 km/h 1:01:07 18 14:11:07
Lap 4 20:50 41.44 km/h 1:21:58 10 14:31:58
Lap 5 20:38 41.85 km/h 1:42:36 6 14:52:36
Lap 6 21:50 39.55 km/h 2:04:27 9 15:14:27
Lap 7 21:15 40.65 km/h 2:25:42 8 15:35:42
Lap 8 23:15 37.16 km/h 2:48:57 9 15:58:57
Lap 9 21:50 39.56 km/h 3:10:48 11 16:20:48
Lap times
Timing by DCU Distrikt JF. Sportstiming is only responsible for registration.
For result queries please e-mail: hfrederiksen86@icloud.com